Injury Mentoring

By Movement Expert & Injury Specialist, Frances Collier

Regain physical, emotional and practical choices within your injured life

Personal Injury Mentoring and Movement Pharmacy®

By Movement Expert & Injury Specialist,
Frances Collier

Regain physical, emotional and practical choices within your injured life

A doula-service for the acutely injured facing potential surgery and supporting those who have never fully recovered from a long-ago injury experience.

Professionally supported mentoring and coaching for injured dancers, performers, athletes and all active movers.

Especially when you are not sure where to go next with your recovery process – both injury or career and lifestyle wise- we can explore your options together in session and help you figure out how to best address your issue. We will be taking your whole being and circumstances into consideration, to find solutions together. And if it means you will be transitioning into a different chapter because of an injury, our sessions can act as a triage go-to-place where we can explore the best ways of helping you facilitate your new new.

You will be accompanied over a continuous phase with physical, emotional and practical presence, and be offered a space where you can be fully heard and understood in finding the most helpful and supportive recovery plan tailored to the needs of your body, mind, soul and heart.

A doula-service for the acutely injured facing potential surgery and supporting those who have never fully recovered from a long-ago injury experience.

What you get...

Professionally supported mentoring and coaching for injured dancers, performers, athletes and all active movers.

Especially when you are not sure where to go next with your recovery process – both injury or career and lifestyle wise- we can explore your options together in session and help you figure out how to best address your issue. We will be taking your whole being and circumstances into consideration, to find solutions together. And if it means you will be transitioning into a different chapter because of an injury, our sessions can act as a triage go-to-place where we can explore the best ways of helping you facilitate your new new.

You will be accompanied over a continuous phase with physical, emotional and practical presence, and be offered a space where you can be fully heard and understood in finding the most helpful and supportive recovery plan tailored to the needs of your body, mind, soul and heart.

Unique Benefits

Translating MRI’s into a language you can fully understand if surgery is involved

Support the grieving process that can come with a transition due to injury

Connect to your whole self during the phase of injury

Experience your injured phase as a growing and healing process

Unique Benefits

Translating MRI’s into a language you can fully understand if surgery is involved

Support the grieving process that can come with a transition due to injury

Connect to your whole self during the phase of injury

Experience your injured phase as a growing and healing process

Be seen, heard,
helped &
listened to

Working together will help us find the many can-do’s throughout
your time of challenges to healing

Bodylistics® has given me so many physical and mental tools, I can’t thank Frances enough for her words of wisdom. Lifechanging!

Hannah Martin – Birmingham Royal Ballet

I watched your fascinating talk for One Dance UK this afternoon and marvelled at the range of studies you must have followed to be so incredibly knowledgeable.  Congratulations on the range of healing work in your hands and head.

Ann Whitley – Clapham, North Yorkshire

Thank you so much! Whenever I speak to you or see you I feel as though you are
filling in the puzzle for me and helping me figure out everything, it’s so wonderful.

Bella, 14, Royal Ballet School


The rehab process was much scarier than I had thought but you have made it a lot easier. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Harriet – London

Today is one of the happiest days I’ve had in a long time. The closest I’ve felt to being back for months and months. I hope we can continue on this trend!

Heather – Birmingham

Having had years of suffering acute shoulder pain through playing a sport at a professional level, I was introduced to Frances as my last attempt of rehab before a major shoulder operation (as per the advice from two orthopaedic surgeons). Having had years of physio and reluctant ultra sound assisted steroid injections, Frances through hands-on treatments and movement coaching has successfully restored my movement to full strength and capacity.

Since my recovery I not only see Frances regularly I use her Bodylistics® platform now as part of my daily life and it’s not only helped my shoulder but other ongoing niggles with movement and performance in other sports and training. I’m now celebrating a pain free body and embracing all the sport and movement that I love. Thank you Frances and Bodylistics®!

Lou Parker-Swift, Devon
Former professional Polo player

Your new doulaship work, which is an amazing and inspired, as well as greatly-needed addition to dance and body work….

Grieving the loss of a previous way of life, movement ability, etc I don’t think has been addressed in the dance and mind-body field!

You are truly inspired with your innovation into everyday movement, emotional and physical well-being, and honouring and bringing to light the very real grieving process everyone goes through at some point in their lifetime, here, especially in the loss of a previous movement ability.

Your gentle method which is so joyful and practical, enhanced by your reviews, are testimony to how good you are!

Marisol – Bath

Thank you for everything you have done for me. I definitely wouldn’t have made it through any of my knee surgery without you! Very, very grateful thank you so much !

Molly – Addict Dance Academy.

It was so nice to be able to talk to someone who could so closely relate to my experience. Thank you for taking the time to listen and understand. Already I feel mentally lighter and more able to cope with the situation that I’m faced with.

Hannah – Birmingham

Thank you so much for last night, it was so nice to be able to share my discoveries with someone who knows exactly what this journey is like!

Helen – London

Thank you so much for your injury mentoring workshop!! I found it really interesting actually some of the stories of your own injury and how you worked things out and changed your thinking. And to acknowledge all the colours and variations to an injury..  somatics, biomechanics, prevention, soul, environment, relationships, income,  future.. There was so much I could relate to as well in terms of anxiety during the process. I could go on talking to you about it tbh! And I think everything you said is like just what dancers are missing in terms of injury. I have very much found a real blockage in terms of when it comes to dance and when it comes to exercises. I have found that they don’t always link up or make sense, and that practitioners assume that we understand, so I think this platform is such a good idea!

Amy Louise – Stoke